Registration is live!


At CityHeart, we truly believe we are called to be in community with one another. That’s why we offer CityGroups each semester. CityGroups are where you can connect deeper with other church members and grow in your faith as you study God’s word. 

"God places the lonely in families..." -Psalm 68:6a


If you have a question that wasn't answered here, feel free to send us an email to!

CityGroups follow a semester schedule with a break for the summer. Fall CityGroups run from September- December and Spring CityGroups go from February- May. 

The material being covered in CityGroups is specific to the leader of the group. To find out more information on what is being covered in each CityGroup, read the descriptions!

Every CityGroup is different! Some CityGroups meet virtually with in-person fellowship opportunities, some are in-person only, and some are virtual only! The descriptions of the CityGroup will indicate if it’s in-person, virtual, or hybrid.

Every CityGroup is different! CityGroup leaders will be reaching out to members of their group about specifics regarding food. If you were wanting to bring food to your CityGroup, reach out to your CityGroup leader and run it past them! If you have a food allergy, this would also be a great thing to let your CityGroup leader know ahead of time. 

Yes! CityGroups are ongoing and you can join at any time. We encourage you to go ahead and register even after the deadline so the leader can know to expect you!

Welcome to CityHeart! You are able to register for CityGroups throughout the entire semester, so no worries! Our leaders are aware that people may be joining at any point throughout the year and are prepared for people to join at whatever point they’re at in their curriculum.